P78568 link reply
What is up with the last 200 posts being mostly one-liners all in the past 12 hours? Did someone drop the link to this place in 4/b/ or what?
Moved from /misc/
P78570 link reply
P78571 link reply
herd[bold: niggers] are off the clock again sorry nanon
loli admin will come around to clean it up gently in a cute maid dress
P78575 link reply

so herdniggers are circle jerking mods
P78577 link reply
ngl that took you a really long time
100% of imageboards now are just dominated by herd[bold: niggers] they have infiltrated all mods teams under many names and with many hrt femboi blackmail
most 1-2 dead boards with 1 post per month are ran by herdniggers to datamine you
stay safe nanon
P78579 link reply
yeah but what about these boards that keep running without asking for donations
who would profit off that
>stay safe nanon
ah thx hon ;)
P78580 link reply
more professional and less ego driven crypto herd[bold: niggers] like admin
12of7 P78600 link reply
dunno, barely bothering cleaning shit up (mostly duplicates as those are easier to spot)

admin will take care of it, most prolly
I'll watch some yt and see news over there, or something like that
P79079 link reply
pagmin clean up ur schizophrenic samefagging traffic inflating garbage so i can read the serious posts from 2 years ago